Dear Southwest & Pacific Chapter,
We started off 2021 with many in our industry feeling Hopeful. It was a year of recovery, and rebuilding our industry, from complete Virtual meetings and events to Hybrid and full in person events again. We watched the trends and listened to the many changing guidelines. Our chapter hosted two in person events in Arizona this year; Arizona Diamondbacks Networking Event, and Gila Rivers Hotels & Casino – Wild Horse Pass Holiday Happy Hour and Board Planning meeting. We also planned many virtual events with Convening Leaders Chapter reception, Lessons in Leadership, Sippin with Students, Planner & Supplier Knowledge Shares, and Greetings of Gratitude letter writing event to thank our healthcare workers.
I am so Grateful to have served as your 2021 President. I would like to thank the Board and Committee Members for volunteering their valuable time to help our chapter. It has been a pleasure working along side of each and every one of you this year. A special thank you to our Past President Luci Whiteman for volunteering to serve as past president for a second term in order to be a guide to our Incoming President, Board and Committee members next year. I am so excited for the upcoming events they are working on for the chapter next year. I thank each and every member as well. You are what makes the Southwest and Pacific Chapter so great!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the 2021 President and for your support and friendship throughout the year!
Without further ado, I would like to introduce the new 2022 PCMA Southwest & Pacific Board Members who will guide you into the new year:
2022 Board of Directors
President – Michelle Ocampo, DES
Past-President – Luci Whiteman
President-Elect – Lisa Lewis
Secretary – Casey Shields
Treasurer – Kristen Dennis
Planner Directors:
Carmen Saliba, CMP, DES
Songi Kim
Kenita Hidalgo
Rachel Lesinski
Supplier Directors:
Jeremy Eisler
Ryan Moyer
Karen Strgacich
Theresa Ofstad
2021 Southwest & Pacific Chapter President